Isaiah’s Story

Isaiah has not always had a safety net. He lived in eight foster homes before the age of three. He then lived in poverty from age three to 13 in the same home, and was placed back into five different foster homes until age 18.

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Despite the mounting obstacles in his way, Isaiah excelled in high school; pursued computer programming, theater, and music; was elected class president; and was introduced to ISF by his mentor. He entered college on an ISF scholarship and has since joined a fraternity, been elected to a leadership position, and succeeded in his studies.

The COVID-19 pandemic affects him too. In addition to the disruption of his education, he also has friends and family who are personally grappling with COVID-19. He shares,

“My foster parents and ISF together have helped ease the burden of this situation on me.”


Zolena’s Story


LaThisa’s Story